
Saturday, 4 August 2012

How exciting!!

I'm sure you all know by now what a chatterbox I am, well can you believe that I've been keeping a secret for AGES and I've been bursting to tell! A wee while ago Pete and Kerry who coordinate the PanPastel DT blog asked us if we would like to do a masterclass for Papercraft Inspirations magazine!! Of course we jumped at  the chance and the tutorials are in the new issue and GUESS WHAT??? My card is on the cover, ok its only in a tiny corner of the cover but I'm still thoroughly over excited. There are fab tutorials from my talented teamies Linday, Brenda and Kerry with lots of ideas for different techniques with PanPastels!! 

Right I'm off to do a happy dance round the garden lol
Claire xx


  1. Congratulations Claire I will have to look out for a copy

    Jackie x

  2. Many congratulations Claire, not surprised really though because your cards are all so lovely. Anne x

  3. Oh wow Claire how fabulous..congratulations! I'd be dancing too ! Do you know if you can get Pan Pastels in a smaller size - kind of like a mini ? I'd really like to have a go but they're a bit out of my budget a good range of colours..?

    Congrats again...Esther xx

  4. WOW" Congratulations! I will look out for your card and feature


  5. OMG Claire, how exciting, a HUGE CONGRATS to you. Hugs Suzanne x

  6. Congrats Claire, always nice to hear such news! Don't believe we have that magazine here but I am sure the article will be great!
    Great to hear that you are dancing around......can imagine that LOL, warm greet Mirandax

  7. Well done Claire, this is great and I will go and buy the mag if I can find it.
    Jenny x

  8. Congratulations Claire, what a brilliant piece of news, well done, enjoy that happy dance! xx

  9. Congratulations Claire. I'm so pleased for you, you are definately an expert when it comes to using PPs. Will look out for the magazine. Debbie

  10. Congratulations Claire. Would love to get hold of that magazine. I've heard of it before but never seen it anywhere. Any ideas ???
    Beryl xx

  11. Congrats to the publishing and getting your card on the cover !! That sounds awesome, well done girl !! Hugs, Marion

  12. Congratulations - brilliant! I still look at what you do with those PP & am totally amazed.
    Paula (PEP)

  13. Oh WOW Claire, huge congrats on getting your card on the front cover. I will look out for the magazine.
    Your cards are always stunning.
    Christine xx


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