
Monday, 1 November 2010

Attitude blog award!!

How exciting, I've been given this lovely award by my lovely friend Mari (pop over and see her fabulous blog here) Thank you Mari :-)

What a fab award, It also means I can claim a $5 for Digi's with Attitude and  of course its great to brag that my blog's got the 'tude LOL

I need to tell you 3 things about me:
1. I love to 'make my own' - flowers, embellies, backgrounds whatever it is, I love to have a go and see if i can make one
2. I love 'messy crafting' in fact the messier the better :-)
3. I have a serious addiction to Ribbon!!

I also have to pass this award on to 5 blogs 'with attitude'
Such a difficult decision as I there are so many blogs that give me inspiration but here are the 5 I've chosen

Thanks for all the ideas and inspiration ladies, have a peep here to find out how you can get your gift certificate from Digi's with Attiude too

Pop over to check out their blogs, they are such talented ladies, I could have picked so many more and always feel guilty about those i've missed so sorry if i haven't picked you.

Well I'm off to catch up on some blog hopping before work, my internet has been pants all weekend but seems ok now (perhaps because its the crack of dawn and there's only silly me up and about lol)
Claire xx


  1. Thanks Claire I will get it up as soon as possible.So nice of you to think of

  2. Hi Claire
    Thanks and congratulations! It's very nice of you to think of me! I'm going to post it now.
    hugs Marilyn

  3. Thanks for thinking of me Claire, that's really good of you. I'll pop it onto my blog as soon as I have a chance.
    Julie x


Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog, all your comments are really appreciated