
Tuesday, 29 December 2009

My best crafting project .... The Stampman

Well I haven't got many pictures of my cards etc over the past year - we had a major pc gremlin and all my photos were lost when my son tried to fix it. That'll teach me for not backing things up won't it
Anyway my favourite project from this year has to be our wedding invitations, I'm not sure that they were the best but I loved making them and Paul helped quite a bit. I thought it was going to convert him to becoming a crafter but it didn't.

We only had to make about 25 invitations so they didn't take too long, I was cutting butterflies out in my sleep though lol.
I'm really enjoying the Stampmans blog hop - my first blog hop and I've found some great blogs full of loads of ideas. The only problem is I'm spending most of my time off work looking at blogs instead of crafting..


  1. Hello Claire

    Oh I do like our card, the colours are gorgeous as are the butterflies. A perfect Wedding Invitation.

    Thank you so much for leaving a comment on the Bah!Humbug challange blog, we really appreciate this very much. Looking forward to seeing your projects in our forthcoming challanges.


  2. How lovely to look back and remember how you shared in this...fabby!
    I notice your blog is warned you will find even less time to craft....blogging is addictive Good Luck! LOL

  3. Hi Claire, such gorgeous wedding invitations, you and Paul must have been thrilled with them. So suitable for The Stampman Blog Award.
    Thrilled that you are joining in with us, I am one of the hostesses and chuffed to have been asked by Jill.
    Look forward to seeing more of you work, but be warned, you won't have time for work now LOL
    Happy New Year
    Love & Hugs
    Christine xx

  4. oh they are so beautiful - definitely worth all the cutting you did in your sleep - lol. Beautiful invites - very special indeed.

    Thanks for your comment at Bah! Humbug! - so pleased that you'll be joining us in the New Year. I'am getting really excited about it all now. Can't wait.

    Ann xxx

  5. Hi Claire, what an elegant invitation, very impressive. Thanks for joining in the fun!
    Happy New Year.
    Pat x

  6. Hi Claire, how lovely to make your own personalised wedding invitations. The design is beautiful and elegant.
    Sylvia xxx

  7. Your invitations are wonderful worth dreaming about butterflies if they are for these cards.

    The hop has been great fun has'nt it, look forward to seeing more of your work.

  8. so beautiful and stunning
    Thanks for you comments on my blog.I hope you enjoyed the blog hop and thanks for taking part.
    Debbie xxx
    Have a fab New Year


Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog, all your comments are really appreciated